Vincent Dubois SAGE (UMR 7363)
Sciences Po, Le Cardo, 7 rue de l’Ecarlate CS 20024 67082 Strasbourg Cedex France
+33 (0)3 68 81 65 70

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titre documents joints

  • "The ’social’ in the institutionnalisation of local cultural policies in France and Germany"

    International Journal of Cultural Policy, 9 (2), 2003, p. 195-206. (with Pascale Laborier).

    See online : HAL

  • « European cultural policy and the autonomy of the cultural field »

    conférence annuelle du Conseil européen des artistes (European council of artists), Visegrad (Hongrie), 6 octobre 2001

  • « Cultural Policy Analysis and Cultural History »

    Contemporary European History, 7 (3), 1998, p. 431-439

    read the summary

    This paper proposes a review of several researches published on French cultural policy and shows how they contribute to cultural history in a broader perspective.



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