Vincent Dubois SAGE (UMR 7363)
Sciences Po, Le Cardo, 7 rue de l’Ecarlate CS 20024 67082 Strasbourg Cedex France
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Accueil du site > publications > Articles et chapitres / Papers & Book Chapters > “Cultural Capital Theory vs. Cultural Policy Beliefs : How Pierre Bourdieu (…)

“Cultural Capital Theory vs. Cultural Policy Beliefs : How Pierre Bourdieu could have become a Cultural Policy Advisor and why he did not”

This paper explores the possible uses of Bourdieu’s cultural capital theory in the making of French state
cultural policy. It focuses on the following paradox : this theory had an important if not predominant impact
on the intellectual background and expertise of cultural policy, but only limited effects on its actual
orientations. To understand this paradox, I go back to the 1960s when both cultural policy and the sociology
of cultural practices were developed. First, I show that this policy and research field share a common history.
Second, I investigate the particular role played by Pierre Bourdieu in this history. He provided advice for an
effective policy dealing with social inequalities towards culture, but the conditions were not met for this
advice to be heard by cultural policy makers, and in the meantime, Bourdieu’s conception of the intellectual
became more critical and less compatible with the role of expert for state policy.

Voir en ligne : Poetics



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