Vincent Dubois SAGE (UMR 7363)
Sciences Po, Le Cardo, 7 rue de l’Ecarlate CS 20024 67082 Strasbourg Cedex France
+33 (0)3 68 81 65 70

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titre documents joints

  • "Street-level bureaucracy: teaching policy (theory) in practice"

    in Philippe Zittoun, Emily St Denny (eds.), Handbook of Teaching Public Policy, E. Elgar, 2024, p. 155-166, with Gabriela Lotta.

    See online : Online

  • Bringing Bourdieu’s Theory of Fields to Critical Policy Analysis

    Vincent Dubois (ed.), Edward Elgar, Advances in Critical Policy Studies series, 2024.

    read the summary

    Laying down the foundations of a critical sociological approach to the interdisciplinary domain of public policy, this insightful book presents the first systematic reflection on the use of Bourdieu’s theory of social fields to analyse policy processes. Engaging with theoretical dimensions, it provides innovative methodological tools, both quantitative and qualitative in nature, to be used in the wider field of policy studies.

    Bringing together expert contributors from across the globe, the book explores a diverse range of case studies on various policy sectors and processes such as international policy circulation and policy implementation. Offering a wealth of critical analysis, chapters highlight the unsatisfactory nature of mainstream policy approaches and advocate for the use of Bourdieu’s sociological theory to account for the social milieus, structures of relationships, and power dynamics in which public policies are made. Encompassing numerous actors and groups, this theory enables a critical sociological understanding of policy orientations by unveiling the structures of relationships in policymaking.

    Innovative and perceptive in its approach, this book will prove to be an important resource for scholars and students interested in the fields of critical policy studies, public policy, public administration and management, and sociology.

    Presentación en español

    See online : E. Elgar

  • “Elements for a critical policy sociology”

    Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società, Università degli studi di Torino, 18 May 2022.

  • "Lower classes and public institutions: an international research program"

    CEBRAP, São Paulo, 29 avril 2022 (en ligne)

    See online : CEBRAP

  • "The socio-political roots of a coercive welfare policy: surveillance over recipients in France"

    São Paulo Center for metropolitan studies, 20 avril 2022.

    See online : Centro de estudos da metropole

  • "From a political watchword to daily bureaucratic routines: implementing anti-welfare fraud policies in France"

    FGV, São Paolo, 19 avril 2022

  • "Renewed forms of surveillance and punishment of the poor: anti-fraud policies in the French welfare state"

    ENAP, Brasilia, 11 avril 2022

    See online : ENAP

  • “From the state in majesty to the state in modesty: new modes of government in European welfare”

    Current anthropology, 62 (6), 2021, p. 754-755.

  • The rise of surveillance and sanctions in the reformed welfare state

    Migrants and Solidarities, 25 February 2021, Aarhus University / UCL (online).

    See online : Video

  • “Relations between the lower classes and institutions: an ongoing research”

    Workshop Migration, Social Welfare and ‘Social Cohesion’, Université de Neuchatel, NCCR, January 28th-29th, 2021 (online).

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